Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Morning Conbini Raid

My Breakfast.
Mt. Rainer (The Mountain of Seattle) Double Espresso Drink (purchased at a Shinjuku Lawson)

When I purchased these fine breakfast items, I got a chance to practice my extremely basic Japanese on the cashiers. Both the old-ish guy who rang up my purchase and the young guy next to him were pretty impressed that I could spit out, "hot out there, isn't it?" and understand them asking if chopsticks were okay. Maybe setting beginner standards in Komatsu will be a good thing--I won't offend anyone or embarass myself for asking them to repeat something, but when it all comes back, it will be that much more a point of goodwill.

So, yesterday. It was full of speeches. I found all of them useful and 90% of them either hilarious or adorable. The speeches from Japanese English Teachers and a Japanese school pricipal made me way less intimidated.

Now it's off to team teaching workshops and...more speeches.

1 comment:

  1. How was your coffee of Seattle? I was always a little wary of those mini coffee drinks - the two I had were extraordinarily foul (caramel and sea-salt) and just.. crappy ("latte").

    I will nom your sushi, though.
